I’m Catherine Preston
Aspiring Cyber Security GRC Specialist
About Catherine
An experienced WordPress website designer with a masters qualification in information management, with skills in information security, project management, business requirements and compliance. Enjoys educating people in improving business security and seeks an opportunity to help organisations develop their cybersecurity governance and risk compliance.
Yorkshire, UK.
I love being the bridge between technical & the business.
I thrive helping businesses work smarter, and more securely to ensure their data is of the best quality, to make better decisions for today and into the future.
Professional skills
Impact Skills
- Project Management 85%
- Public Speaking 70%
- Collaboration & Team Work 70%
- Emotional Intelligence 75%
- Sales 70%
GRC Skills
- Project Management 85%
- Business Analysis 80%
- Validation 80%
- Risk 65%
- Compliance 80%
- Auditing 75%
- Document Control 90%
Technical Skills
- Technical Author 80%
- HTML & CSS 75%
- Wireshark 40%
- SourceQube & Snyk 25%
Creative Skills
- Project Management 85%
- Business Analysis 80%
- Governance, Risk & Compliance 75%
- Social Media Management 65%
- Content Creation 80%
- Graphic Design 85%
- Photography 85%
- Leadership & team management to split up the workload amongst the five team members, to deliver presentations and solutions within a time limit of a two or three hours. (Capslock)
- Applied ‘Octave Allegro’ risk methodology to analyse several risk vectors to a business, our team chose risk to Single Sign On (SSO) and the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) database as areas of risk concern and potential likelihood. (Capslock)
- Worked SMARTer with my clients, analysed their businesses, built their websites and educated them about new technology, security, backup and business recovery skills. (Self Employed)
- Project managed many business goals while working for several business delivering them on time and within budget. (Self Employed, BTL Technology, Actaris, Kvaerner Process Ltd.)
- Received 2 achievement awards & bonuses for the following:
- Redesigned the QMS structure & presentation within a team, to meet updated global regulations.
- Lead a global documentation leadership team to control the validated documentation repository. This included leading a team of 16 dotted line staff providing guidance and controlling all Global IT documentation. (GE Healthcare)
- Designed & implemented a live digital tracking reminder and report system for 300+ SOPs using Excel & Pivot Tables. (GE Healthcare)
- Upgraded a medical site’s inspection readiness to 24-hour inspection readiness from 6 months notification status. (GE Healthcare)
- Encouraged action and achieved my own personal sales goal, by selling £2400 worth of sunglasses in one day. (Sunglass Hut)
- Saved a business nearly £1500 worth of wasted print exhibition material a year by presenting prototype digital CD that could be written on demand on site. I presented the business case to the board, got the ‘go ahead’ and helped them do business smarter. (Actaris)
- Built and connected a community of over 1,000 previously isolated women into a thriving social network across Yorkshire. (Lesbian Socials)
(at a glance)
Certified Cyber Security Professional with Capslock
March 2023
MSc Information Management (Leeds Metropolitan University)
Sept 2008
Postgraduate Cert. Advanced Computer Science (University of East Anglia)
Dec 2003
BSc (Hons) Business Information Systems (University of East Anglia)
June 2002
Career & Education
Cyber Security GRC Specialist
Capslock (Part Time)
Re-skilling in Cyber Security applying the theory to business problem and presenting solutions.
Website Designer, Brander & Photographer
Self Employed (Flexible)
Event Organiser
Womens Social Group (Part Time)
Assistant Data Manager
York Trials Unit (Full Time)
Sales Associate
Sunglass Hut (Part Time)
Safety & Document Controller
GE Healthcare (Full Time)
Validation Specialist
GE Healthcare (Full Time)
MSc Information Management
Leeds Metropolitan University
Content Producer
BTL Technology LTD (Full Time)
ITCS Helpdesk Staff
University of East Anglia (Part Time)
Pg.Dip Advanced Computer Science
University of East Anglia
Marketing Communications Advisor
Actaris (Full Time Contract)
BSc (Hons) Business Information Systems
University of East Anglia
Project Control Assistant
Kvaerner Process Ltd (Full Time Contract)
3 A-Levels & 8 GCSEs
College & Schools in the UK